Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I've Kept My Mouth Shut For Too Long

I had seen this blog a few days ago and it has caused me to think a lot about style and how much it means to people. I came across a response post that was written by Rokhsor and I had to go straight to the source. She was responding to a post written by Lhadze who was explaining a little bit about what it meant to be "scene" I had to do some research on what that meant exactly because, frankly, I had no idea. So, I turned to my forever loyal friend, Google, to give me the answer and I came across some information that made me laugh...hard (here it is)...(and here is some more).

Let me start off by saying that this is not a post bashing people that choose to be "scene" or dress in that way, I respect them for dressing in a way that they like and I love that they wear a lot of Hello Kitty, but I feel that it is a little strange that there are rules to being scene.

Being scene seems a little bit like a cult. As I was doing some research on what it means to be "scene" I came across a video that made me sick to my stomach (and I refuse to post a link because I would never want to spread such blatant ignorance). In the video a "scene" girl talks about a few girls at her school who also consider themselves "scene," she goes on to bash them and call them posers. She explains that one of her schoolmates should stop trying to "look scene" because she's Black and she should go listen to rap music and leave true scene kids alone, although that isn't bad enough she then explains that there is a group of girls who cannot possible be scene because they are overweight and ugly.  I was ready to smack the "scene" off of this girl's face. As I clicked on more videos I realized that many "scene kids" think the same way and have no problem voicing their opinion.

I don't understand why so many "scene" people feel so strongly about others having the same style, you should be able to embrace that other people want to be interested in the same things as you. A big part of the "scene" culture is trying to cause a scene (literally) everywhere they go by having a very unique and individualistic style, but when there are rules as to "how to be scene" so that you aren't called a poser it doesn't allow a lot of room to be yourself and like the things you truly have interest in.

I personally think that everyone should be able to shape their style in a way that makes them feel comfortable and confident. I don't think their is much individualism within the "scene" community. But hey, who knows :/