Sunday, January 23, 2011


         The population explosion in the last one hundred years is a well-documented, and well-examined subject matter. All sorts of agencies have devoted time and resources to studying, problematizing, and strategizing in order to deal with the threat of overpopulation. Diverse groups, including the United Nations, have developed plans to encourage population control and decreased fertility rates. However, I will say that population control in Third World nations have become an essential component of public policy, and have taken on many forms around the world. However, it seems possible that we are all jumping the gun. What if the population explosion is a self-correcting problem? There is some evidence that global fertility rates are naturally declining, even in areas without family planning and population control.  With fertility and death rates increasing a dropping out of control it is extremely hard to grasp many of the concepts of population control, which is why it is a subject that is not often touched upon.

Population control is such a touchy topic with such a confusing web of answers. When going over answers as to how the population should be controlled it was so...confusing! There is such a fine line between trying to dwindle down the population and violating the rights of the people. After thinking long and hard about population control I think that the only plausible solution is promoting sex Ed and birth control.

There are many other ways to put a cap on our rapidly growing population, but none that can really be done while still being one hundred percent fair and still guaranteeing the rights of the people.

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