Friday, January 14, 2011

College Is Stupid

I know I'm supposed to be writing about the persuasiveness of the seven articles that we read about going to college, not going to college, Ken Burns (?), and some other s**t; but I'm not going to do that. Reading these articles made me think about all of the pretentiousness that surrounds college and college life. There are Ivy league schools, elite schools, universities, fraternities, dorms, parties, and classes. There's a lot to think about when choosing what college to go to. You must consider location, maybe you want to stay close to home or maybe college is your excuse to get as many miles away from your family as possible. It is vital to think about the connections that will come out of going to a certain school, do you want to go to graduate school? Are there resources at the college that will help you the do so? Is going to a prestegious school impotent to you?

College approaches you with billions of HUGE life decisions right after high school where you spent four years making even more big life decisions, it's all very stressful. Collge can be a determining factor that affects the rest of your life, that's a big deal. It can affect the people you meet, the opportunities you have, your financial success, and the goals you are able to accomplish.

College is wack. Itps one of those things you have to do to make other people happy, that's just how the world works.

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