Friday, December 17, 2010

Warriors Don't Cry...Some More

Sooo, my group and I were having a very interesting conversation, because that is just how we do. Anyways, we got to talking about some of the mental effects of racism. We got to talking about internalized racism and the way that the concept has presented itself in the book Warriors Don't Cry. We came to the conclusion that many Blacks within the Little Rock community during the time of the Central High segregation did not feel that they deserved to integrate.

Many Blacks during this time felt that they didn't deserve to integrate because they belonged in their community, with their own people, and the shabby schools. They feel like they have come as far as they possibly can as a race and have achieved the most that they can. They do not want to strive for more because they have been made to feel inferior for so long that some started to believe it. Throughout history many Black people internalized the racism that was inflicted upon them. It reminded me of the story of Uncle Tom that made a slave feel that all he could be in life was a slave and that it was his obligation to be a slave to his master and it is saddening how throughout history this happens.

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