Friday, December 17, 2010

Warriors Don't Cry

    Warriors don't cry is the honest story of Melba Patillo, one of the first Black students to integrate into an all-White school in the American south. It tells a story of her bravery and selflessness while integrating into Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas. 

When Melba first signs up to be enrolled at Central High she is naive and doesn't realize the seriousness of the situation that she was getting herself into. She had hopes of the Whites that strongly supported segregation would realize that she just wanted the same quality education that they received and would eventually be fine with it, she was very wrong.

On her first day at Central High she is chased by an angry mob who threatened and chased both she and her mother, she was blocked from entering the high school by the Arkansas national Guard, and made to feel fearful for her life and well-being. She does not realize that she is no longer just a child fighting for her education but she is actually a representative for her race; fighting for their equality. 

Although she is trying to help Black people progress and stop being treated like second-class citizens but many individuals within their community. She brings restlessness and danger to her community and many people don't appreciate that, not knowing that n the years to come this little girl would pave the way for amazing things to happen for Blacks. 

I understand that many of the people in her community think that she is doing more harm than helping them because of the way that white segregationalists acted when she attempted to integrated. They were haters 

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