Monday, September 13, 2010

Gina's rant on life...and stuff...and things like stuff

So, recently I have been obsessed with watching When The Levees Broke and its follow-up documentary If God Is Willing and Da Creek Don't Rise, both movies are on HBO on demand for free and if you are able to, I highly suggest watching them both. My ancestry is deeply rooted in the state of Louisiana and the devastation that Louisianans have experienced is something that I cannot bear to even think about. I would like to be able to feel that I live in a country where the government cares about the well-being of its citizens regardless of their socioeconomic status, location, or skin color. Sadly this is not the case. On August 29, 2005 Louisiana was hit by Hurricane Katrina, the deadliest hurricane to hit the U.S. since the 1920's. Thousands lost their lives, tens of thousands lost their homes businesses, and countless lost their livelihood.
        The hurricane is not what sickens me, nature is uncontrollable. The fact that so many Americans (not Haitians, not Indonesians, Americans) who pay taxes and  support our government were treated like cattle in the country that they call home. Instead of seeing immediate response from the government; the people of Louisiana were trapped without food, water, and other basic means to survival for almost a week. Louisiana, particularly the New Orleans area, is densely populated with Black people. It was much easier for the government to turn their heads as Black people suffered from enormous loss and tragedy than to actually help these people in their dire time of need. To quote a great man, "George Bush doesn't care about black people," and neither do the federal government, American military, or FEMA. It has been proven in the past eight years that if you do not have a giant dollar sign plastered onto your forehead the American government does not care much about you nor your well-being, and the events during and after Hurricane Katrina are a huge indication of this.
          In the years following the hurricane it seems that the affected area has only become worse. Rather than trying to rebuild the community, the federal government and the state of Louisiana have used the devastation as an opportunity to shut down public housing, close hospitals, and to allow the quality of schools to sink to an all-time low. As if poor Black people haven't been treated badly enough in this country, Hurricane Katrina has become a way for the American government commit acts of wrongdoings against Blacks...again.

Well so much for my rant...btw Go Saints!

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