Friday, October 29, 2010

This quarter I have seen myself prevail greatly in my writing during the first quarter. In my blog I have been able to write about topics that are extremely interesting and thought provoking which has allowed me to produce writing that I am truly proud of.
I am inspired by social issues, events that occur in my everyday life, and anything else that I find to be interesting. The best thing about the bolgs is that you are able to write about these topics without having a grade attatched to how well the piece flows or how many grammatical errors it contains. My blog has been very therapeutic for me because I am able to express myself through writing in ways that I am not generally able to in most writing classes. The “juicy” topics, although they are the most interesting, are usually the topics that a lot of people do not wish to discuss because it makes them uncomfortable. Thought provoking topics are the easiest for me to write about because they are usually the topics that I have the most to say about. I use my blog to show deeper sides of me and to express the thoughts that are not always appropriate to speak about, posts about the government, teenage pregnancy, and race relations are the types of posts that fill my blogs because they are the ones that allow me to freely express my emotions on political and social issues.
When I go to my more structured Writing classes I do not have the same experience because those writing classes are a lot more based on writing skills than self expression. When I go into my writing classes where very straight forward writing is expected from me I crumble because the topics that I am provided with are not ones that give me the inspiration to write because I find the topics very dry and uninteresting. When I am put into these kinds of situations i begin to question my writing and I start to feel as if I cannot produce good pieces of writing. When I am assigned an essay that is not motivating I am more susceptible to writing and essay that is not as good as I would like it to be because of the topic and I begin to drift away from the topic in my writing and I end up creating pieces of writing that would be shameful to turn in.
I think that the forms of writing that are presented to myself and my fellow students puts a damper on my creativity and causes me to write things that are not as good as I would like them to be.

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